A queue posts also known as a barrier or a stanchion is designed for the purpose of effective queuing and comes in an array of styles, sizes and materials to suit the needs and requirements of different queue arrangements in a variety of environments. The most common queue posts varieties consist of a classic rope posts, chain post and retractable belt posts, each strategically designed to evidently designate “the queue.”
There are several post bases designed to essentially hold or embed the post in place like Floor Socket, Floor mounted, weighted steel bases, all these bases lend a sense of security for the posts along with augmenting the mobility degree, making it easy for you to move through the queues freely.
Now that we know what queue posts are, let’s get an insight about the importance of queue posts for queue management:
Defining the Waiting Lines
Queue posts lend perfect guidance to your visitors/customers, helping them step towards their desired destination by defining the accurate queue lines. Belt or Rope Posts not only help visitors/customers recognize the queue but also indicate from where to start or end.
Directing the Customers/Visitors Flow
Stanchions or Posts serves as one of the foundational elements for any facility, helping them direct and organize the customer/visitor flow. A facility can easily arrange waiting lines in different ways using retractable belts, chains, or velvet ropes with the posts to help direct customers to easily navigate through the waiting line in the most efficient and orderly manner.
Quickly Expanding or Contracting lines
There is no set rule for visitors flow, it may increase or decrease at any point, be it weekly, daily, hourly or seasonally. In such a hassle, queue posts comes up as a brilliant solution, allowing a facility to scale up the number of queue posts depending upon the visitor flow using retractable double belt posts.
Enhancing Comfort
A synchronized queue augments customer/visitor satisfaction! Yes, Queue Posts helps form organized queues and establish boundaries, which are not just logical but fair too on the part of each and every person standing in the queue line.
As stated above, queue posts or stanchions are a vital component for every business or industry to help improvise their crowd and queue management system. With QMaster, offering an array of queue management posts or stanchions along with add-on accessories, you can choose the right post for the right location.
With Queue Posts Comes Effective Queuing

A queue posts also known as a barrier or a stanchion is designed for the purpose of effective queuing and comes in an array of styles, sizes and materials